Montessori Education
What is Montessori?
A method which combines a philosophy with practical approach, based on the central idea of FREEDOM for the child within a carefully planned and structured environment.
It is a scientific approach which aims to develop the whole personality of the child through motor, sensory and intellectual activities.
Child Pre-determined Psychic Pattern
It is believed the child psychic pattern is revealed through the process of development.
- Law of Work
- Law of Independence
- Power of Attention
- Development of Will
- Development of Intelligence
- Development of Child’s Imagination/ Creativity
- Development of the Emotional/ Spiritual Life
- Stages of Child’s Growth
Principles of the Montessori Method
Maria Montessori’s educational principals are based around three (3) central ideas. By applying these principles in the classroom, the Montessori approach aims to allow for the natural development of children, their personalities and individualities.
Characteristic of Childhood
- All children want to learn. With the freedom to investigate the world around them, they will become active learners.
- From birth to six years, the child possesses and absorbent mind and passes through sensitive periods. These milestones have profound effects on a child’s life and his/her learning abilities
The Prepared Environment
Freedom (Within Limits)- Montessori classroom allow children freedom within limits. Everything is child-sized and children exercise physical, intellectual and social freedom.
- The Montessori classroom is always ordered and well-planned. The curriculum and teaching materials are carefully selected and presented to the children.
- The Montessori classroom is welcoming, pleasant and calm.
- Montessori classroom strive to develop and awareness of the world in children. Children are encouraged to understand and respect the natural world around them.
Montessori Materials
Specially designed Montessori materials cover developmental activities designed to meet the needs of children in five curriculum areas:- Practical Life
- Sensorial Exercises
- Language Skills
- Mathematics Skills
- Cultural Knowledge
The Montessori Teacher
- The Montessori teacher has a well-developed attitude and respect for the children in her care.
- She is responsible for selecting the appropriate development activities for the children.
- She guides the children’s learning and helps them develop independence, concentration, self-motivation and self-discipline
History of Montessori
Dr. Maria Montesorri & Her Legacy
Dr. Maria Montessori (1870- 1952) was one of the most influential pioneers in early childhood education. Her ideas have become known and recognized throughout the world and have significantly influenced mainstream education.
Born in Italy, she was the first woman to graduate from the University of Rome Medical School and later worked as a doctor treating what are known today as children with learning difficulties.
Using the classroom as her laboratory for observing children, she devised a method of education which combines a philosophy with a practical approach based on the central ideas of freedom for the child within a carefully planned and structured environment.
Revolutionary Concepts Throughout The World
The great pioneering achievement of Dr. Maria Montessori was to recognize the crucial importance of a child’s first six years of development. It is during this time that a child’s powers of absorption are highest and lifelong attitudes and patterns of learning are firmly formed. It is for the sensitive periods that the Montessori system of education was most uniquely and effectively designed.
So great was her success that she traveled the world, establishing schools and lecturing about her discoveries. Today, Dr. Montessori’s books have been translated in more than twenty languages and her method has become part of every good teacher training course.
Dr. Maria Montessori died in Holland at the age of 82, leaving behind her wonderful legacy. Today, her revolutionary concepts bring a sense of joy, freedom, and achievement to classrooms throughout the world.